About Us

Chunky Milk Productions began well before its name, when Michael Wills and Owen Swerkstrom created a series of comedy shorts, the Adventures of Mike. These segments aired on the local college-run television channel, as part of the news and variety show Focus on U. The eleventh episode of the Adventures was music-themed, with all the then-current trappings of an MTV music video. Mike's suggested record label name was "Chunky Milk", and so was born the name we'd use anytime a group name was necessary.

Many people have been involved in one or more of our productions. Those listed here represent our current core chunks.

Michael Wills

Producer, sometimes-director, often-actor, always-funny, Mike is the face of Chunky Milk.

Owen Swerkstrom

Cameraman, editor, often-director, Owen is the mad scientist pulling the levers.

Dave Schwartz

Composer, songwriter, foley creator, and occasional voiceover actor, Dave brings our work alive with the sound of music.

Jed Schlegelmilch

Cameraman, sound guy, choreographer, actor, director, editing, visual effects, there's no role in moviemaking Jed doesn't rock.

Andrew Lindvall

An actual for-real actor, Andrew lights up any scene he's in, be it as an authority figure or doomsday prepper.

Patrick W Marsh

Writer, story editor, and bit actor, Patrick wrangles our ideas into story shape.

Kim Guyer

Creative guru, voice actor, and visual wizard, Kim brings the ideas and the details.

Rob Alger

Collaborator, actor, roadie and all-purpose mensch, Rob is also a skilled editor.